Welcome to Grand Nail Spa
Where you can treat yourself and let your shine on with many crème de la crème options of pedicures, manicures, and reflexology massages…
The best of our professional services

Manicure & Pedicure Services
We offer these services not only for ladies but also for gentlemen and children.
You will be consulted in very details before any procedure.
Reflexology Massage
Curative methods for chronic stress. We help bring your relaxation to the fullest.
Want to make an appointment
have any questions?
Call us at 616-949-0791

What Are You Waiting For...
Make an appointment
You may request a male or female nail tech or therapist. It is imperative that our guests are comfortable during the treatment.
Our location
3090 28th St SE, Suite A
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(Across from woodland mall and next to Whole Foods Market)
Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday - Closed
Phone: 616-949-0791
Email: info@grandnailspallc.com